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Colin Jost (Sometimes) Shits His Pants

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Is embarrassment unique to humans?

Is embarrassment unique to humans? We've all experienced situations that we wish we could have avoided. When we've been embarrassed, it's a painful feeling that can be difficult to navigate.  Which begs the question, is there a difference between embarrassment and shame? Researcher Brene Brown would emphatically say YES!On this episode of the show, we explore strategies for managing the feelings of embarrassment and we even share some personal stories. Embarrassing stories of ourselves, Colin Jost and of course the ever elegant and resilient Monica Lewinsky

Link to purchase Colin Jost's book "A Very Punchable Face" on Amazon: out of 5 stars Couldn't put it down!&text=I love Colin%2C I love,the audio experience was perfect.

Embarrassment is only Human?

Strategies for managing embarrassment:

Show Monica Lewinsky the Love, and watch her TED video:

Follow Monica Lewinsky on Twitter - @MonicaLewinsky

Cyberbullying is no joke!

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